

Opening Hours

7 days: 10AM - 9PM

Relax and unwind at Golden Thai Massage Ennis. Our services are performed by Thai women trained in the ancient art of Thai massage and we have a new Irish masseur who has recently joined our team. 

You can improve your general wellbeing with a Thai massage, proven to reduce pain and anxiety. It also has many other benefits including improved blood circulation, improved skin health, ridding your body of toxins and aids in a better, deeper sleep.

We offer both 30 minute and one hour treatments. We also offer a 4 hand massage. This involves 2 massage therapists working in synchornisation to apply the same pressure and pace to both sides of the body. Hot oil and foot massage is something that we specialise in here. You can also avail of back, neck and shoulder massages as requested.

You can visit us from 10am to 9pm daily.

Book an appointment by phoning 0852265181.